How to recognize a Serb!!!

How to recognize a Serb!!!

Recognize Serb in Dubai Foreigner - Siberia?It is sooooo cold there. SerbinDubai -No, no, not that one. Foreigner - Oh yeah you mean Syria? Pooooor you guys it is war there. SerbinDubai - Not even that one. Seee-erb-iiii-aaaa. Foreigner - O.o Common mistakes made by foreigners. Although we can have both of these elements our country is pretty stable these days. With the population of the average street in India, Serbia found a spot in heart of the Balkan. Land of beautiful women (yep, the tall ones which turn your head clockwise when you walk on JBR), loud guys in the pub, ajvar and rakija. The place where everyone is a brother to everyone and every daughter is a son. How to recognize a Serb? People from this super-cool-awesome place are easily recognizable. That moment when you are feeling like a hobbit and all you can see are men's belts, probably means nearby are some Serbs. (Especially if in the same place there is promotion of beer (if anyone wondered 1 Hoegaarden$ = 10...
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Balkan In Dubai

Balkan In Dubai

Balkan in Dubai!!! I received a lot of comments previous days on my Blog like: "This is nice but there are other nationalities here", "Why are you so focused on Serbs", "Why only Belgrade when there is Zagreb, Sarajevo, Budva...". In order to fix this mess, my friend Darko and me come up with the idea to create something that will mix all from Balkan. Balkan in Dubai. Our goal is to collect members from all Ex-Yu countries (also Bulgarians, Greeks) and make them share their stories. This can be great opportunity to show the world that we can live together.  If you would like to be part of this and form a first Balkan community in Dubai please send us an email with your short story here or send a message on the facebook page. What is the Balkan? The abstract term "The Balkans", unlike the geographical borders of the Peninsula, defines political borders of the states comprising it. The term is used to describe areas...
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Most used abbreviations in Dubai!!!

Most used abbreviations in Dubai!!!

Living in IMPZ but working in DIC Usual start of a conversation with someone you meet for the first time and you want to be a smart-ass. Serb in Dubai likes to be a smart-ass and that's why he dedicated this article to you. Abbreviations are a common thing in a language of Dubaians. You can easily crack how long they stay in Dubai by their ABB knowledge. " Hi man let's meet at DFC next to R-C*". Expats who spent less than 1 year will probably think about your bad pronunciation of K  and prepare their stomach for delicious Zinger Twister Meal. But the real deal is who still eat in KFC when Kulcha King opened new branches all over the city. So to avoid confusion, Serb in Dubai will reveal the formula for you. Abbreviations formula D -  believe it or not, it stands for Dubai. But, if to you girls someone suggests meeting D on Tinder trust me it is not Dubai. I - usually stands for...
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Dubai nightlife !!!!

Dubai nightlife !!!!

Welcome to Dubai nightlife !!!! Welcome to Dubai, new readers!! In this article, Serb in Dubai will lead you through the points you should know before stepping up your game into the wild nightlife of Dubai. Brace your wallets and enjoy the ride(only up til 3 am). First and foremost, the essential part is to prepare yourself mentally. It is not an easy decision. This decision you will remember for a long time. Let’s imagine going out in Dubai is like a global recession. Basically, you will feel the consequences long after (when you check the statement from your bank account). If you are a Serb or some other member of a former Balkan community and you prolong “It is only one life rule” let God helps you. This rule doesn't work in Dubai because you don't have Baba at home to feed you if you spend all your money. (Disclaimer for other nationalities -  Balkan region is famous for spending more than they earn on party...
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