Reviewing Balkan brunch

Reviewing Balkan brunch

Reviewing Balkan Brunch Last Friday Serb in Dubai was invited to be a part of a tasty event called Balkan Brunch. Since Serb in Dubai is a huge fan of domestic food and atmosphere, it wasn't so hard to convince him on this step. The event started at 3 pm and from the beginning, it was obvious that the organizers of this event took care of everything. Opposite other restaurants, Balkan brunch accepts families with kids, and guess what? They have a free entrance. It was lovely to see youngsters enjoying various food from a Balkan kitchen. Speaking of the food, the hosts of this event brought chefs from our region so the taste was so delicious like my grandmother made it. There was also a vegetarian section. It is necessary to mention that there was a live performance where the singer made us feel like in Kafana. Funnily enough, the hosts took care even about the table covers and the...
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