Ultimate Belgrade Summer Guide

Ultimate Belgrade Summer Guide

Summer in Belgrade is hot. Temperatures are high, usually above 35°C, and city concrete almost starts to melt down under the Sun. The reason why you shouldn't worry about it is that Belgrade is built on the confluence of two large rivers, Sava and Danube, that help us cool down and that send us refreshing breeze. Your to-do list when traveling to Belgrade in the summertime can be almost limitless. Sometimes we feel like the only summer of double length can be enough to drink every coffee, every glass of wine, to soak every sun ray, visit every party. This is why you need to be precise about what you want out of summer in Belgrade. This is our little Summertime Belgrade guide! Belgrade Makes You Feel Like You're at the Seaside Did you know that Belgrade has its own seaside? :) It actually is how we call Ada Ciganlija - "More Beograda" or Belgrade sea. Ada is a river island on Sava that is incredibly well arranged so that you...
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Is it safe to travel to Serbia?

Is it safe to travel to Serbia?

Is it safe to travel to Serbia? We feel that most of the people who visit Serbia build a very positive opinion of our country. They like many different things, from architecture and monuments to people and food. However, the number of foreign visitors of Serbia, although increasing significantly every year, is still not on a level which people who have a nice opinion of Serbia would expect. Why is that so? We believe one of the main reasons could be - safety. Writing these lines, we are referring to all of our non-Serbian readers, and we would really appreciate to be corrected if we are wrong, but - to us it looks like the most of the world is still of the opinion that here either the war is still ongoing or that it has just ended and there are suspicious people who could rob, kidnap or otherwise harm somebody who comes from abroad, especially from the west. All we can say...
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Crazy Serbian festivals !!!

Crazy Serbian festivals !!!

Festivals in Serbia you must visit!!!! Helloooooo festivals lovers. 2017 just started and you are wondering how to utilize your 20 plus non-working days. Forget about Bali, forget about boring Maldives, Europe is such a mainstream. Welcome to Serbia!!! If you are a decent party animal, lost all your savings for a NYE trip and you want to experience something new this is a perfect article for you. In next paragraphs we will discover and explain TOP festivals you need to visit this year in Serbia: EXIT 6th -9th of July– Officially declared as the best European festival for 2016 before Secret Garden and Tomorrowland. Hosted by the Petrovaradin fortress of Novi Sad this amazing event brings more than 200 000 people all around the world (what is an almost whole population of the city). Beer is cheap, ladies are great, the experience is unforgettable. The venue is split into 20+ stages where music lovers can find what is suiting best for them...
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Top 25 facts about the Serbs!!!!!

Top 25 facts about the Serbs!!!!!

Who are the Serbs? Serbia is a mythological nation stuck on the Balkan peninsula. Descendants of South Slavs, these guys have participated in some of the biggest world events - "Discovery of Rakija" , "WW1 misunderstanding", "Invention of power/wifi - N.Tesla" and probably the biggest culprits of Twilight saga movies (created vampires - sorry guys). They are also known as " the Oldest species", "People from heaven" and many more. Some people say that they are fearless and brave but when promaja strikes- everyone is running away. (Promaja -the biggest enemy of the Serbs , cold assassin and sneaky bastard. Usually attacks from back and hitting the "Krsta" ). ->Windy draft that happens when two windows on opposite sides of the house are opened. Currently there are ~ 12-13 millions worldwide and most of them you can recognize by these things. TOP 25 facts about the Serbs Getting the best business ideas in Kafana. Never like to start a discussion about politics - 30 mins...
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Winter is coming!!!!

Winter is coming!!!!

Brace yourself winter is coming!!!! Average Serb waits for many things in life but the one who lives in Dubai waits only for one -the month of October (and salary as well). Why? Simply because we can finally go out. Average temperatures in Dubai during the summer days are enough to make popcorn without a microwave. Humidity  - don't even mention that. Just imagine instant showering the moment you leave your beloved apartment (in Marina with just a few roommates from all around the world = 10, Mostly South Asians). But October is something beautiful. This is the period when all Dubai-ans start preparing for the winter season. So brace yourself!!! Winter is coming. First and the most important thing to prepare is a new bikini or swimsuit. Water temperature will drop under 30 degrees Celsius, so no more sauna effect.  Obviously, you worked out a lot during summer and you don't want to show new abs in an old suit. Imagine what will...
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Experiencing a Serbian Slava

Experiencing a Serbian Slava

  Srećna slava domaćine!!!!! Every Serbian family has a saint who is the patron and protector of the house. That saint is celebrated once a year, and during these three days, every family in Serbia has the biggest people and food management challenge. Slava is an event during which you see long-distance cousins, greet your friends, and make Serbian hospitality looks like 5-star hotel service at your home. Most of the Slava-s are usually in the winter and during that time most of the people get an extra kg (or 5). (also the time when police get their 13th salary. So prepare money for a cab or limit the number of your wife's drinks). Tradition says that there is no invitation for Slava, you should just show up, and it is up to the host where you're going to sit. To survive Serbian Slava follow these tips: Don't eat anything the whole day, you need to prepare for the following feast. Always bring wine, and the...
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Balkan In Dubai

Balkan In Dubai

Balkan in Dubai!!! I received a lot of comments previous days on my Blog like: "This is nice but there are other nationalities here", "Why are you so focused on Serbs", "Why only Belgrade when there is Zagreb, Sarajevo, Budva...". In order to fix this mess, my friend Darko and me come up with the idea to create something that will mix all from Balkan. Balkan in Dubai. Our goal is to collect members from all Ex-Yu countries (also Bulgarians, Greeks) and make them share their stories. This can be great opportunity to show the world that we can live together.  If you would like to be part of this and form a first Balkan community in Dubai please send us an email with your short story here or send a message on the facebook page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt-ibZ_jlHY&feature=youtu.be What is the Balkan? The abstract term "The Balkans", unlike the geographical borders of the Peninsula, defines political borders of the states comprising it. The term is used to describe areas...
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Dubai nightlife !!!!

Dubai nightlife !!!!

Welcome to Dubai nightlife !!!! Welcome to Dubai, new readers!! In this article, Serb in Dubai will lead you through the points you should know before stepping up your game into the wild nightlife of Dubai. Brace your wallets and enjoy the ride(only up til 3 am). First and foremost, the essential part is to prepare yourself mentally. It is not an easy decision. This decision you will remember for a long time. Let’s imagine going out in Dubai is like a global recession. Basically, you will feel the consequences long after (when you check the statement from your bank account). If you are a Serb or some other member of a former Balkan community and you prolong “It is only one life rule” let God helps you. This rule doesn't work in Dubai because you don't have Baba at home to feed you if you spend all your money. (Disclaimer for other nationalities -  Balkan region is famous for spending more than they earn on party...
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