Is it safe to travel to Serbia?

Is it safe to travel to Serbia?

Is it safe to travel to Serbia? We feel that most of the people who visit Serbia build a very positive opinion of our country. They like many different things, from architecture and monuments to people and food. However, the number of foreign visitors of Serbia, although increasing significantly every year, is still not on a level which people who have a nice opinion of Serbia would expect. Why is that so? We believe one of the main reasons could be - safety. Writing these lines, we are referring to all of our non-Serbian readers, and we would really appreciate to be corrected if we are wrong, but - to us it looks like the most of the world is still of the opinion that here either the war is still ongoing or that it has just ended and there are suspicious people who could rob, kidnap or otherwise harm somebody who comes from abroad, especially from the west. All we can say...
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