Na lepom plavom Dunavu

Na lepom plavom Dunavu

Mnogi ribolovci kažu da bez Dunava nema ni života. Ova reka, druga najveća u Evropi, na svom putu do Crnog mora zapljuskuje obale mnogih gradova medju kojima je i Beograd. Tuda krstare mnogi alasi koji u njoj nalaze spokoj i mir. Naravno i ribu. Jedan od njih je i Vladimir Vasiljević. Ovaj gospodin, koji već 30 godina ima odličan izgovor kako da pobegne od vikend kupovine sa ženom je moj teča. Ovo je priča o njemu. Izraz njegovog lica dok prilazimo reci se menja eksponencijalno sa blizinom vode. Svakim novim korakom on je sve nasmejaniji i nasmejaniji. Zamislite da 30 godina radite neki posao sa istim žarom i entuzijazmom. Zar to nije prava sreća. Ulazimo u čamac koji je usidren u blizini Borče. "Sagni glavu da te ne raspizdi grana"- uvek daje dobre savete. "Miloše drži lanac dok ne upalim motor!!! 20 godina ne možeš da upamtiš šta ti kažem".  Problem sa ribarima je jer  za njih je svako nespretan. Šta god...
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How moving into a new apartment in Dubai can make your life miserable

How moving into a new apartment in Dubai can make your life miserable

How moving into a new apartment in Dubai can make your life miserable The final day of you staying in a shared bedroom is approaching. The salary is better, appetite is higher. From the 1st of the next month, you will be starting a new amazing life in your own apartment with a nice pool and gym. There is only one little problem - how to create a budget for it? I can see that your cursor is already hovering Search button on Dubizzle website. 1 bedroom, jlt, parking yes, 4 cheques etc. Numbers seem fine so far, maybe because there is a silent depreciation of apartments in UAE. Calculations show that everything fits your budget and you are excitedly calling the agent. Hi Ma'am, sir no problem at all, we will fix everything. Only 60 000aed and you can move in. We can finish it tomorrow. Happy and delighted by the simplicity of this deal you start packing your things. Finally, after 2 years of living...
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Enjoying coffee with SerbinDubai

Enjoying coffee with SerbinDubai

Having a coffee with  Serb in Dubai. After the first interview which you already saw here[ Interview with SerbInDubai ], guys from NasBiro and goForTV decided to make another since in the first one I was not enough representative. Apparently, viewers complained about my #salanastranu hairstyle so they took me to the hairdresser. Visiting this kind of institution is not always pleasant especially if you get a non-wanted massage [head massage -just for the record] - check the video. The questions I answered are related to things I miss the most. Don't worry I mentioned all of you but they cut it in video editing. To skip writing more check the video (the video is in the Serbian language): Also, check some of the newest blog posts from SerbinDubai: THINGS YOU NEED TO DO WHEN VISITING SERBIA INCREDIBLE INDIA 5 WAYS TO SPEND YOUR FIRST SALARY IN DUBAI!!! GIFTS YOU NEED TO BRING FROM SERBIA MORNINGS IN BELGRADE: 7 THINGS YOU CAN EXPECT WORDS YOU NEED TO KNOW IN DUBAI ...
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3 Reasons Why You Should Visit Nikola Tesla Museum

3 Reasons Why You Should Visit Nikola Tesla Museum

Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in a small village named Smiljan. Since his childhood, he expressed great interest in science and, despite some opposition from his parents, he enrolled studies in Graz, where he studied all day long (except for only 4 hours he used to spend sleeping). He travelled through Europe, he also studied in Prague, he worked in Maribor, Budapest, Paris, and Strasbourg, and in 1884 he went overseas, to the United States, where he, with short breaks, remained his entire life and accomplished things so revolutionary and futuristic that, even today, we can't understand the complete range of his greatness. Writing about his inventions here would be totally inappropriate, not just because we would need like a year for that, but also because there is this beautiful and humoristic comic story about Tesla which made a lot of people explore Tesla's work and life: We'll just stick to that that Tesla is probably the greatest...
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Serbian Food: Top 10 Restaurants

Serbian Food: Top 10 Restaurants

Serbian Food: Top 10 Restaurants Pljeskavica, sarma, kiseli kupus & podvarak... You've heard all about it and now you want to try it.  Honestly, Serbian food can be very similar wherever you go, but if you want to be sure you'll get the right quality and reasonable prices, follow our Serbian food restaurants list! The list contains restaurants that are pure tradition and haven't changed in the last 20 years, but there are also ones that always try to do Serbian food with a twist and something new. Orašac Orašac is located just opposite to Monument of Vuk. The restaurant is very spacious, with the traditional Serbian look, Serbian historic heroes observing the guests from the pictures, and domestic music quietly coming from the speakers. The Interior of Orašac is decorated with authentic Serbian possessions, such as rugs from Pirot or true kafana tables. Read more about it in our post about Orašac. Address: Kralja Aleksandra 122 (Vračar) Manufaktura This place is all about details. From really special...
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Reviewing Balkan brunch

Reviewing Balkan brunch

Reviewing Balkan Brunch Last Friday Serb in Dubai was invited to be a part of a tasty event called Balkan Brunch. Since Serb in Dubai is a huge fan of domestic food and atmosphere, it wasn't so hard to convince him on this step. The event started at 3 pm and from the beginning, it was obvious that the organizers of this event took care of everything. Opposite other restaurants, Balkan brunch accepts families with kids, and guess what? They have a free entrance. It was lovely to see youngsters enjoying various food from a Balkan kitchen. Speaking of the food, the hosts of this event brought chefs from our region so the taste was so delicious like my grandmother made it. There was also a vegetarian section. It is necessary to mention that there was a live performance where the singer made us feel like in Kafana. Funnily enough, the hosts took care even about the table covers and the...
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Enjoy your Friday at the Balkan brunch

Enjoy your Friday at the Balkan brunch

Balkan brunch Most people in Dubai are using "Friday to Friday" living system. Basically, means - can't wait for a weekend so I don't watch clients, bosses and other annoying humans anymore. Friday is a day for fun. [If you do not work in hospitality - carry on] There is a dozen of stuff to do but only a few of them will gather you and your friends on one spot. In Serbia, we call them Posela, in Dubai it's called Brunch. You probably saw a bunch of videos with drunk Westerns falling in fountains and behaving like they are on Zakinthos. The event where you pay to test your liver and where ladies move like Captain Jack Sparrow. Yes, that is brunch. For a long time, we were forced to visit this non-pleasant-for-the-eye places. Until now. Pedja and his friends decided to say NO Pasaran!!! After few attempts, they successfully managed to create first and only Balkan brunch. Thank you, guys. You found one more...
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Ultimate Belgrade Summer Guide

Ultimate Belgrade Summer Guide

Summer in Belgrade is hot. Temperatures are high, usually above 35°C, and city concrete almost starts to melt down under the Sun. The reason why you shouldn't worry about it is that Belgrade is built on the confluence of two large rivers, Sava and Danube, that help us cool down and that send us refreshing breeze. Your to-do list when traveling to Belgrade in the summertime can be almost limitless. Sometimes we feel like the only summer of double length can be enough to drink every coffee, every glass of wine, to soak every sun ray, visit every party. This is why you need to be precise about what you want out of summer in Belgrade. This is our little Summertime Belgrade guide! Belgrade Makes You Feel Like You're at the Seaside Did you know that Belgrade has its own seaside? :) It actually is how we call Ada Ciganlija - "More Beograda" or Belgrade sea. Ada is a river island on Sava that is incredibly well arranged so that you...
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5 ways to spend your first salary in Dubai!!!

5 ways to spend your first salary in Dubai!!!

The first month in Dubai is Khallas. You worked hard, fulfilled Facebook with photos you #musttake and everything is going according to schedule. Suddenly you receive SMS. To be honest you probably never hold more than 2k Euros in your hand and now the feeling is incredible. Thousands of thoughts are crossing your mind. What to do with all that money? If we neglected the fact that most of that will go on accommodation, spending the rest of it is pretty entertaining. In order not to use your head for other things than haircutting, SerbinDubai will share with you the ultimate 5 ways to spend your salary. 5 Ways to spend your salary Buying an iPhone Serb in Dubai is not a proper Serb if doesn’t have an iPhone. That’s the fact. How the hell do you think to take Instagram photos with that bricks? Shame on you. Mobile operators in UAE recognize that and put a special offer to us. For only 2000aed+ and...
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Is it safe to travel to Serbia?

Is it safe to travel to Serbia?

Is it safe to travel to Serbia? We feel that most of the people who visit Serbia build a very positive opinion of our country. They like many different things, from architecture and monuments to people and food. However, the number of foreign visitors of Serbia, although increasing significantly every year, is still not on a level which people who have a nice opinion of Serbia would expect. Why is that so? We believe one of the main reasons could be - safety. Writing these lines, we are referring to all of our non-Serbian readers, and we would really appreciate to be corrected if we are wrong, but - to us it looks like the most of the world is still of the opinion that here either the war is still ongoing or that it has just ended and there are suspicious people who could rob, kidnap or otherwise harm somebody who comes from abroad, especially from the west. All we can say...
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